
Since our last publication, several Whitpain police officers have been recognized for outstanding service in different areas of responsibility. Officers Seth Homan, George Frost, Frank Franco, Sergeant Joe Fenerty, Detectives Brian Daly, Tom Wittig and Detective Sergeant William Armstrong received a unit citation for the arrest of a bank robbery suspect. On August 2, 2013, officers received a report of and armed bank robbery at the TD Bank, 1799 Swede Rd. The actor fled with the cash, but was later identified and arrested. The Unit Citation recognized the investigative and patrol performance that led to this arrest.
On February 5, 2014 officers received a call regarding a possible attempted suicide at a residence in the Broad Axe section of the township. Upon arrival the officers forced entry into the residence and located the victim. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital for treatment. Sergeant Joe Fenerty, Officer Will Becker and Officer Shaun Beitler received the Lifesaving award for their response to this event.
Officer Brad Potter received the Honorable Service Medal for demonstrating exceptional investigative work in developing a suspect, coordinating surveillance through multiple counties in Pennsylvania and Delaware, and the eventual apprehension and incarceration of a suspect that was responsible for over eighty smash and grab burglaries.
Sergeant Cathy Penecale received the Grand Cordon Medal for her leadership through the Department’s process of becoming accredited. The Whitpain Township Police Department now has the prestigious distinction of being one of the ninety-four out of more than twelve hundred law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania to hold accreditation status.